SEMANTICS = the branch of linguistics and logical concerned with meaning.
= the meaning of word
= the study of meaning that is used by humans to express themselves through language.
designing buildings = deal with certain programmatic, enviromental and social issues
- people judge buildings aesthetically = primarily with how buildings look
aesthetic descriptions = proportion, composition, scale, visual wieght and contrast.
assemblages = dealing with practical limitations, particular spatial requirements and other limitating factors
= dominate the spatial composition
- assemblages have to be skilfully handled at a visual as well as at a practical level.
- function = consider how something will look therefore - aesthetically pleasing form that works.
totality of a building
= result of assemblage of its part = elements
- therefore be composition = know with which element we compose.
- relation between horizontal and vertical planes serve as a basics for an aethetic response.
= deals with interconnection between outer and inner spaces. spatial distribution of the walls as planes. interacting relations of horizontal plane surface. constructed from crafted planes of different materials.
principle of movement as a structuring idea in architecture:
- moving through space = structuring idea = used to order space.
composition = relationships within the framework as it is about relationship from a single view
building experienced as a unified whole = issue of unity must be governing or primary.
" quality of an idea" = applying principles of compostition to substitute.
= compositional considerations simply facilitate our experience of the buildings as a
unified whole.
concerne for unity = architectural composition different from a haphazard arrangment with an incomplete idea = need order.
issue of unity = central or focal idea be apparent and dominant.
FORM =visually applying if composition and proportioning is property considered.
visually interesting buildings = good spatial proportion and the proportion between elements and relationship
between elements
= introduction of contrast and variety
= good proportion = good contrast - requires judgement and restraint
- define ideas and orders ideas
- proper treatment of solid and void
Fenstration = contrast
- contrast of light and shade, difference in colour, tone , texture and shadow
BEAWARE= aesthetic consequences of functional and pragmaic decisions.
KISSESS...... :-)