Sunday, April 10, 2011


the chapter as stated in the beginning focuses on modern buildings and its characteristics. it takes on the issues such as form follows function-the extend and result of such ligic. spaces - its relationships and continuity, the manner in which movement is an activity that also orientates space and out adjustment of spaces as a result of technology.

i understood that style is about a general agreement of most withr regards to the way things are done at a particular point in time. just as times change and fashion changes, architecture is also subject to teh shift in fashion. therefore i have to be updated, research and be informed to be able to make logical decisions. style is a place and time bound phenomenon.
modernism on the other hand came with an idea of timeless style.

the main factor been functionalism which is based on logic not time or changing with fashion, modernism took on the proposition of functionalism. with form folloes function, for me the bases starts with the form reflecting the function.

architecture is based on space(structuring of space).  now again how i interpret my space can also go hand in hand with function to create the form. in modern times, is functional activites best suited for differnet spatial requiremetns? how about placing spaces differrently to create a spatial hierachy..and how?

movement has become an activity in itself and should be expressive. one moves through space not just simply connecting spaces. therefore when dealing with spaces, movement has to be taken into consideration. movement = should be enjoyed(view, pause, rest etc.) architecture is a product of logic.
now we get to a point where movement structures space instead of focusing on historical understanding and designing.

the adjustment of space is function of technology. here i see that i need to understand materials and their technology not only for the quality of the building but the defining of space. factors to deal with are such as contextualism and technical constraints.

architecture explores ways to give expresssion to culture and try to clarify its context.

the summary simplified matters as follows:
- movement through space can be a primary structuring device = work aroung how people move in a space and space needed to move = form.
- technology = powerful structuring idea
- different buildings take up different references

to end i definitely inderstood that logical thinking and designing are critical....not focusing on historical references as such....we live in the modern age and understanding and research are inssential!

kisses... :-)