HeLlo eVeRyOnE !
block two which took place in August was insitful... gaining knowledge from experienced architects and builders about sustainable building which i agree should now be called sensible building , as even sustainability has its disadvantages and some principles will not always be best for a particular area. now we as future architects- creators of the environment have to groom ourselves in sensible designing for the environment and the people.
one of the speakers spoke about ways to think when designing, the design process should not end now, should not onyl focus on the breif, but has to consider the future...future of the structure in relation to the environment and people. can it be recycled, be used for a different function in the future or merely disembled and used for another function- be environmentally friendly and sensible.
i was deeply inspired by architect and philosopher Andrew Horne...great thinker and exercuter indeed.
i learnt much about conceptualism- the fundimentals of having a concept and work with it throughout the design process until the end product.
Construction and Detailing , scary - that is our lecture Mike Rodseth....yet i am very much excited about the built environment and how things are constructed... much to learn from Mr Mike....