Hi guys!
This was a short week, and this made me very lazy, as I am still longing for a longer weekend. Yet that is not a good thing as then I will not learn anything worthwhile for my career.
This week I discovered Auto spec= for specifications on details/finishes. It is a site with a list of companies involved in the built environment. On this site I explored my ability to specify and determine finishes for different surfaces and areas/spaces. I continued with my set of drawings for the proposed new spa, I finally got into the dreadful sections, only to realize it was not that horrible. Every week I am learning new AutoCAD tricks and ways to scale, print and work with layers.
In between this week, I helped Jenna with a domestic project in District Six. I took her existing plan and drew up a demolition plan, construction plan and furniture plan for the renovations.
For presentation, I developed a sketch up model drawing of the bathroom and toilet of the flat, yet we are still waiting on the client for the finishes and other components. The client’s choice is always important, but we should help them choice.
Oh! Have you guys heard of 3D Warehouse, this is another site for us to find sketch up components for anything, why draw it when you can just download it? Lol
We had an excellent presentation from CleareVu Security Projection Company, who came in to show us their latest security fence, which is an excellent product as it is extremely safe/secure and aesthetically pleasing.
C h E e R s !